Sunday, March 13, 2011

Currency Corruption

The recession hit George's family hard. George helped around the family farm every summer in order to make some money for his pocket, but organic food was expensive, and even in Vermont the need for it was not a booming market due to how expensive organics are. This year his dad told him that money was short, and that there was not enough work for him at the family farm.

George was not overly upset and applied for jobs in and around Montpelier, eventually getting the morning register job in the Montpelier Shaw's. Because George was getting a job outside of the family farm, he assumed that his summer would be open to hang with all his friends on the weekends. But when the first Saturday came George had to work at the farmers market in Montpelier.

It didn't seem fair that he would have to work for no money on his weekends as an eighteen year old, but his parents didn't seem to care. It wasn't just the first week either, every Saturday morning bright and early George would leave or many times he would leave his friends houses the night before, usually before it even struck midnight just to be home and well rested for the market the next day.

The recession had hurt George's family financially, but somehow him being told to get a job outside of the family business only meant more work for him, and less pay. During his last summer with many of his high school friends he had known for a better majority of his life George worked the hours of two jobs.
George now attends Northeastern College in Boston and because of the way there engineering program works will have his last summer home this coming summer. For his last summer he already knows he will have to get another job outside of the family. George's summer will probably consist of the overload of essentially two jobs much like his last summer.
Talking to George about how my pockets where nearly empty of the money I had made over the summer he told me how he was nearly broke himself. The only difference is because my family wasn't struggling financially I went out every night over the summer. And many days I would go straight from one friends to work and then to the next friends house without even going home, sometimes for entire weeks till my parents ordered me home.

Because of this financial crash partially caused by the actions of the banks giving loans without sufficient financial information about there clients, many families such as George's have gone through similar experience of increased work hours and stricter standards of living.   

1 comment:

  1. Jordan,

    Not sure if this is fiction or non-fiction, but it's interesting nonetheless. A lot of "storytellers" like TAL are "taking advantage" of all of the unique stories as a result of this financial problem. You certainly chose one here, as I didn't even know family farms really existed anymore.

    One thing that may have developed the characters a little more was dialogue. Notice how you are telling me the whole situation? If you had put it in dialogue, we would have gotten a taste of the characters WHILE you expressed what was going on.

